Tag: english language learners

Cormac Symington with ESL students Macedonio, Juan and Luis at the New School
Food In 2 Worlds

Immigrant Restaurant Workers Learn English, Write Haiku in Unique ESL Program

Restaurant workers are the main audience for English classes offered by The New School’s Food Studies department in collaboration with the university’s Master’s program in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.


Should Immigrant Kids Whose Second Language is English Have Extra Time to Finish High School?

It can take five to seven years for a kid with a non-English speaking background to learn proper academic English. Yet New York high schools that serve immigrants are under pressure to graduate their students in four years.

Julio Jaime, 17, at Manhattan International High School

Podcast: Budget Tug-of-War at Immigrant School: Better Class Instruction vs. Mental Health Services

Faced with limited resources a New York City high school for immigrant teenagers faces a tough choice on where to spend its money.

Maria Garcia at immigration rally in New York on July 29, 2010 - Photo: Sarah Kramer

New York’s Top 10 Immigration Priorities

New York’s immigrant advocates announced their legislative priorities for the year. At the top of the list are ensuring language access to state government services and ending the state’s participation in the U.S. Secure Communities program.