Tag: Immigrant Reaction to SB 1070

Gerardo, an undocummented immigrant that has been living in Arizona for the past 10 years. (Photo by Valeria Fernandez)

Listening to Both Sides in Arizona’s Immigration Debate

Valeria Fernandez in Phoenix cuts through the rhetoric and finds there actually is common ground between opponents and supporters of Arizona’s new immigration law.

Civil Disobedience Against SB 1070 in New York City. Photo - New York Immigrant Coaltion

Civil Rights Groups File Suit Against Arizona Immigration Law

The suit by a broad coalition of civil rights groups is the latest move against Arizona’s new law, which has also prompted civil disobedience demonstrations.

Mothers Day March for Immigrant Rights in Phoenix, AZ - Photo: Valeria Fernandez

Immigrant Mothers In Arizona: Some Vow to Stay Despite New Law, Others Consider Moving

SB 1070 has energized the immigrant movement in Arizona, and many women formerly in the shadows are stepping up to fight against the bill.

Redesign of Arizona Flag by Andrew Huff/Flickr

SB 1070 Gets Legal Challenge

FI2W’s Valeria Fernandez speaks on PRI’s The Takeaway about the lawsuits challenging Arizona’s controversial new immigration law.

Protest Against SB 1070 - Photo: rjosef/Flickr

Outrage at Arizona Immigration Law Reflected in Hispanic Media

The law making it a crime to be in Arizona without proper documents is story number one in the Spanish-language press.