Tag: Immigrants in a Divided Country


A Diaspora Divided

Right-wing groups in the U.S. Brazilian community are using social media to become more politically active.


Reportaje desde Texas: por qué aumenta la posesión de armas entre latinos

El extremismo de la derecha radical contra los latinos y el aumento de los tiroteos masivos han impulsado al grupo cultural más grande del estado a recurrir a la posesión de armas. Algunos están ansiosos por estar armados, pero sienten que tienen pocas opciones.


Report from Texas: Why More Latinos Are Arming Themselves

As extremist threat rises, Latino Texans say gun ownership is ‘matter of survival.’

"A Better Life?"AudioStories

Permanent Resident, Expiration: Never

Through The Fake Green Cards Project, Philadelphia-based artists Xuan Liu and Youkun Zhou invite us to imagine a world where getting “papers” is not the nerve-wracking process it has become for many immigrants in the U.S. Producer Danya AbdelHameid reports on how their whimsical hand-drawn cards explore the meaning of the green card, spark conversations about the challenges of navigating the immigration system, and raise questions about what it means to belong in America.


Chinese Voters in New York Tack Right, Posing a Challenge for Both Parties

Republican Lester Chang’s unexpected election win in Brooklyn raises questions about the future of Chinese American politics.

"A Better Life?"AudioStories

How to Wash Your Brain — “A Better Life?” Podcast

Writer and producer Boen Wang and his Chinese-born mom disagree on almost every political issue. Each suspects that the other has been “brainwashed”, because how else could they have such extreme views? In this personal piece, Boen unpacks the epistemology and history of the term brainwashing, and goes on an intimate exploration of his mom’s childhood and experiences in the U.S. to figure out what has actually shaped her political beliefs—and his own.

"A Better Life?"AudioStories

Does Anyone Even Want Latinos to Vote? — “A Better Life?” Podcast

Both parties maintain that Latino voters are important to them. But across the country many Latinos say they feel alienated from the political process.


Progressives Vie for Cuban American Voters in Miami

Community organizers aim to change political hearts and minds through dominoes, art workshops and community dialogues.


Arizona’s Fate in the Midterms Depends on Latino Voters

In this year’s midterm elections, a lot of the political gains of the past 12 years are threatened, and Latino voters could be partly responsible.